Phone Call #1: Senate Health & Human Services Committee and Members
- Senate Health and Human Services Committee Office / 512-463-0360
- Sen. Lois Kolkhorst: / 512-463-0118
- Sen. Charles Perry: / 512-463-0128
- Sen. Bryan Hughes: / 512-463-0101
- Sen. Kelly Hancock: / 512-463-0109
- Sen. Bob Hall: / 512-463-0102
- Sen. Kevin Sparks: / 512-463-0131
- Sen. Boris Miles: / 512-463-0113
- Sen. Cesar Blanco: / 512-463-0129
- Sen. Morgan LaMantia: / 512-463-0127
Not sure what to say? Try something like:
I care deeply about the interests of Texans with disabilities, and I ask that the Senator demonstrates that they do too. On my behalf, and on the behalf of Texans with disabilities, please:
- Vote AYE on HB 729! or Pass HB 729 out of committee and improve coordination of intellectual and developmental disability programs.
- Hear HB 4702 in committee ASAP! or Pass HB 4702 out of committee and create peer supports service for people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Hear HB 211 in
committee ASAP! or Pass HB 211 out of committee and improve childcare for children with disabilities.
Phone Call #2: Senate Education Committee and Members
- Senate Education Committee Office / 512-463-0355
- Sen. Paul Bettencourt: / 512-463-0107
- Sen. Brian Birdwell: / 512-463-0122
- Sen. Pete Flores: / 512-463-0124
- Sen. Phil King: / 512-463-0110
- Sen. Morgan LaMantia: / 512-463-0127
- Sen. José Menéndez: / 512-463-0126
- Sen. Mayes Middleton: / 512-463-0111
- Sen. Tan Parker: / 512-463-0112
- Sen. Angela Paxton: / 512-463-0108
- Sen. Drew Springer: / 512-463-0130
- Sen. Royce West: / 512-463-0123
Not sure what to say? Try something like:
I care deeply about the interests of Texans with disabilities, and I ask that the Senator demonstrates that they do too. On my behalf, and on the behalf of Texans with disabilities, please:
- Hear HB 5146 in committee ASAP! or Pass HB 5146 out of committee and expand higher educational opportunities for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- Hear HB 5148 in committee ASAP! or Pass HB 5148 out of committee and create a scholarship program for students with disabilities.
- Hear HB 4716 in committee ASAP! or Pass HB 4716 out of committee and improve student referrals to local IDD
- Hear HB 166 in committee ASAP! or Pass HB 166 out
of committee and help students have an educational representative to prevent unnecessary guardianships.
Bill Information
HB 4702: HB 4702 would assign a workgroup to develop rules regarding training and certification requirements for intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) peer support specialists. Read the one-pager for more information.
HB 5146:
HB 5146 would create the Better Futures Program to help facilitate the delivery of educational and occupational skills training programs
and support services to students with intellectual disabilities (ID) through Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary ( CTP) programs. Read the one-pager for more information.
HB 5148: HB 5148 would create the Texas Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities. Lack of financial aid and funding options available for students with disabilities prevents many of them from
pursuing postsecondary education. Read the one-pager for more information.
HB 4716: HB 4716 would require school districts to refer students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to their Local IDD Authority (LIDDA) for services and public benefits, including home and community based services (HCBS) waiver programs. Read the one-pager for more information.
HB 166: Also known as the Educational Representative Bill, HB 166 is an essential tool needed to protect the rights of students who are 18+ who do not need a guardian or whose parents cannot afford the costly process of obtaining one. An educational representative would allow parents, or anyone standing in a similar relationship with the child, to be the agent for the student in all matters concerning the special education process, including bringing a
due process complaint if necessary.
Thank you for your advocacy!